Inquiries on WORK MILL

This is an inquiry form for WORK MILL. For inquiries about advertisements, tie-ups, and press coverage, please use the link below to contact us through the dedicated form.

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    Phone number

    Company Name


    Official Position



    Privacy Policy

    “Personal Information” you register with us will be used in accordance with our privacy policy for the following purposes.
    Your personal information will be used for the supply and promotion of products and services, and the promotion of the business activities and events of our Office Furniture Business, Store Displays Business and Material Handling Systems Business, amongst others.
    Further, within these bounds, your name and contact details may be shared among OKAMURA CORPORATION group companies.
    Your personal information in our possession shall be appropriately managed and, except where as stipulated by law, will not be supplied to a third party without your consent.
    Should the customer request the disclosure of their personal information, unless some special reason exists, we shall collect the requested information and comply without delay. For procedures in response to a “Disclosure Request”, please inquire using the form found on this page.

    Chief Privacy Officer, OKAMURA CORPORATION

    Do you agree the privacy policy above?